Cell Atlas Clustering and Analysis from kallisto-bustools
Sat Nov 21 21:38:02 UTC 2020
Download Data¶
import requests
from tqdm import tnrange, tqdm_notebook
def download_file(doi,ext):
url = 'https://api.datacite.org/dois/'+doi+'/media'
r = requests.get(url).json()
netcdf_url = r['data'][0]['attributes']['url']
r = requests.get(netcdf_url,stream=True)
#Set file name
fname = doi.split('/')[-1]+ext
#Download file with progress bar
if r.status_code == 403:
print("File Unavailable")
if 'content-length' not in r.headers:
print("Did not get file")
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
total_length = int(r.headers.get('content-length'))
pbar = tnrange(int(total_length/1024), unit="B")
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
if chunk:
return fname
#Starvation h5ad data, all nonzero genes included, filtered for 'real cells' from de-multiplexing
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:18: TqdmDeprecationWarning: Please use `tqdm.notebook.trange` instead of `tqdm.tnrange`
#CellRanger Starvation h5ad data
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:18: TqdmDeprecationWarning: Please use `tqdm.notebook.trange` instead of `tqdm.tnrange`
#Kallisto bus clustered starvation data, h5ad
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:18: TqdmDeprecationWarning: Please use `tqdm.notebook.trange` instead of `tqdm.tnrange`
#Human ortholog annotations
#Panther annotations
#GO Terms
#Saved DeSeq2 Results for Fed/Starved (Differentially expressed under starvation --> perturbed genes)
#Saved gene modules adata
#Gene Markers to plot (for cell atlas) --> Fig 2 heatmap
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:18: TqdmDeprecationWarning: Please use `tqdm.notebook.trange` instead of `tqdm.tnrange`
!gunzip *.gz
!pip install --quiet anndata
!pip install --quiet scanpy
!pip install --quiet louvain
|████████████████████████████████| 122kB 8.1MB/s |████████████████████████████████| 10.2MB 7.5MB/s |████████████████████████████████| 51kB 4.5MB/s |████████████████████████████████| 71kB 6.8MB/s Building wheel for sinfo (setup.py) ... done |████████████████████████████████| 2.2MB 9.3MB/s |████████████████████████████████| 3.2MB 41.7MB/s
!pip3 install --quiet rpy2
Import Packages¶
import pandas as pd
import anndata
import scanpy as sc
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import warnings
from sklearn.neighbors import (KNeighborsClassifier,NeighborhoodComponentsAnalysis)
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
%load_ext rpy2.ipython
# # See version of all installed packages, last done 01/11/2021
# !pip list -v > pkg_vers_20210111.txt
#Read in annotations
from io import StringIO
hg_ortho_df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(''.join(l.replace('|', '\t') for l in open('D1.1819'))),
hg_ortho_df[['XLOC','TCONS']] = hg_ortho_df[13].str.split(expand=True)
hg_ortho_df[['Gene','gi']] = hg_ortho_df[3].str.split(expand=True)
hg_ortho_df['Description']= hg_ortho_df[11]
panther_df = pd.read_csv('D1.1820',
sep="\t",header=None) #skiprows=[0,1,2,3]
goTerm_df = pd.read_csv('D1.1822',
sep=" ",header=None) #skiprows=[0,1,2,3]
How Gene Filtering & Clustering Was Done for Kallisto Processed Data¶
#Read in starvation data
#Kallisto bus h5ad file with no gene filtering
bus_fs_raw = anndata.read("D1.1797")
print(bus_fs_raw )
#CellRanger h5ad file with old louvain clustering
cellRanger_fs = anndata.read("D1.1798")
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 13673 × 46716 obs: 'batch' AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 13673 × 2657 obs: 'n_counts', 'n_countslog', 'louvain', 'orgID', 'fed', 'starved', 'fed_ord', 'starved_ord', 'new_fed', 'fed_neighbor_score' var: 'n_counts', 'n_cells' uns: 'fed_ord_colors', 'louvain', 'louvain_colors', 'louvain_sizes', 'neighbors', 'new_fed_colors', 'orgID_colors', 'paga', 'pca', 'rank_genes_groups', 'starved_ord_colors' obsm: 'X_pca', 'X_tsne', 'X_umap' varm: 'PCs' obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances'
Apply labels from ClickTags (organism number and condition)
bus_fs_raw.obs['orgID'] = pd.Categorical(cellRanger_fs.obs['orgID'])
bus_fs_raw.obs['fed'] = pd.Categorical(cellRanger_fs.obs['fed'])
bus_fs_raw.obs['starved'] = pd.Categorical(cellRanger_fs.obs['starved'])
bus_fs_raw.obs['cellRanger_louvain'] = pd.Categorical(cellRanger_fs.obs['louvain'])
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 13673 × 46716 obs: 'batch', 'orgID', 'fed', 'starved', 'cellRanger_louvain'
sc.pp.filter_cells(bus_fs_raw, min_counts=0) #1
sc.pp.filter_genes(bus_fs_raw, min_counts=0)
bus_fs_raw_sub = bus_fs_raw[bus_fs_raw.obs['fed'] == True]
bus_fs_raw_sub2 = bus_fs_raw[bus_fs_raw.obs['fed'] == False]
View of AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 7062 × 46716 obs: 'batch', 'orgID', 'fed', 'starved', 'cellRanger_louvain', 'n_counts' var: 'n_counts'
print('Fed reads:' + str(sum(bus_fs_raw_sub.obs['n_counts'])))
print('Starved reads:' + str(sum(bus_fs_raw_sub2.obs['n_counts'])))
Fed reads:37119861.0 Starved reads:30254873.0
print('Fed cells: '+str(len(bus_fs_raw_sub.obs_names)))
print('Starved cells: '+str(len(bus_fs_raw_sub2.obs_names)))
Fed cells: 6611 Starved cells: 7062
#Median Genes/cell
nonZero = bus_fs_raw.X.todense() != 0.0
nonZeroCounts = np.sum(nonZero,axis=1)
print('Median genes/cell:' + str(np.median(list(nonZeroCounts))))
Median genes/cell:676.0
#Median UMIs/cell
print('Median UMIs/cell:' + str(np.median(bus_fs_raw.obs['n_counts'])))
Median UMIs/cell:1802.0
Filter for highly variable genes and apply cluster labels
#Find highly variable genes from all nonzero genes
#How annotated/filtered adata was made
#sc.pp.filter_cells(bus_fs_raw, min_counts=0) #1
#sc.pp.filter_genes(bus_fs_raw, min_counts=0)
bus_fs_raw.raw = sc.pp.log1p(bus_fs_raw, copy=True)
sc.pp.normalize_per_cell(bus_fs_raw, counts_per_cell_after=1e4)
filter_result = sc.pp.filter_genes_dispersion(
bus_fs_raw.X, min_mean=0.0125, max_mean=4.5, min_disp=0.2)
#Filter genes from anndata
bus_fs_raw = bus_fs_raw[:, filter_result.gene_subset]
#How to get PAGA/UMAP embedding (creates bus_fs_clus)
sc.pp.scale(bus_fs_raw, max_value=10)
sc.tl.pca(bus_fs_raw, n_comps=60)
sc.pp.neighbors(bus_fs_raw,n_neighbors=150, n_pcs=60,random_state=42) #use_rep='X_nca'
sc.tl.paga(bus_fs_raw, groups='cellRanger_louvain')
sc.pl.paga(bus_fs_raw, color=['cellRanger_louvain'])
sc.tl.umap(bus_fs_raw,random_state=42,spread=2.5,min_dist = 0.8,init_pos='paga') #min_dist=0.5,spread=3, min_dist=0.3
Cell Atlas Analysis for previously saved clustered and labeled data¶
Use for Cell Atlas markers, labels, perturbation response analysis, etc
#Read in PREVIOUSLY SAVED clustered + labeled data
bus_fs_clus = anndata.read("D1.1796")
print(bus_fs_clus )
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 13673 × 8696 obs: 'batch', 'n_counts', 'n_countslog', 'louvain', 'leiden', 'orgID', 'fed', 'starved', 'fed_neighbor_score', 'cellRanger_louvain', 'annos', 'new_cellRanger_louvain', 'annosSub' var: 'n_counts', 'mean', 'std' uns: 'annosSub_colors', 'annos_colors', 'cellRanger_louvain_colors', 'cellRanger_louvain_sizes', "dendrogram_['new_cellRanger_louvain']", 'dendrogram_new_cellRanger_louvain', 'fed_colors', 'fed_neighbor_score_colors', 'leiden', 'leiden_colors', 'louvain', 'louvain_colors', 'neighbors', 'new_cellRanger_louvain_colors', 'orgID_colors', 'paga', 'pca', 'rank_genes_groups', 'umap' obsm: 'X_nca', 'X_pca', 'X_tsne', 'X_umap' varm: 'PCs' obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances'
#Code here for neighbor score
#Calculate number of neighbors (out of top 15) with same starvation condition
#Input adata object and if score is for fed or starved (True or False)
def neighborScores(adata,conditionBool):
neighborDists = adata.uns['neighbors']['distances'].todense()
counts = []
for i in range(0,len(adata.obs_names)):
cellNames = adata.obs_names
#get fed observation for this cell
cellObs = adata.obs['fed'][cellNames[i]]
#get row for cell
nonZero = neighborDists[i,:]>0
l = nonZero.tolist()[0]
cellRow = neighborDists[i,:]
cellRow = cellRow[:,l]
#get 'fed' observations
obs = adata.obs['fed'][l]
# count # in 'fed' observations == cell obs
count = 0
#if cellObs == conditionBool:
for j in obs:
if j == conditionBool:
count += 1
counts += [count]
return counts
Use PAGA embedding of cells to visualize umi counts, cell types, and animal conditions/labels
#Exact values used to generate PAGA image below
# sc.pp.neighbors(bus_fs_clus,n_neighbors=150, n_pcs=60,random_state=42) #use_rep='X_nca'
# sc.tl.paga(bus_fs_clus, groups='cellRanger_louvain',)
sc.pl.paga(bus_fs_clus, color=['cellRanger_louvain'])
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 13673 × 8696 obs: 'batch', 'n_counts', 'n_countslog', 'louvain', 'leiden', 'orgID', 'fed', 'starved', 'fed_neighbor_score', 'cellRanger_louvain', 'annos', 'new_cellRanger_louvain', 'annosSub' var: 'n_counts', 'mean', 'std' uns: 'annosSub_colors', 'annos_colors', 'cellRanger_louvain_colors', 'cellRanger_louvain_sizes', "dendrogram_['new_cellRanger_louvain']", 'dendrogram_new_cellRanger_louvain', 'fed_colors', 'fed_neighbor_score_colors', 'leiden', 'leiden_colors', 'louvain', 'louvain_colors', 'neighbors', 'new_cellRanger_louvain_colors', 'orgID_colors', 'paga', 'pca', 'rank_genes_groups', 'umap' obsm: 'X_nca', 'X_pca', 'X_tsne', 'X_umap' varm: 'PCs' obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances'
# Add fed_neighbor_score to adata
# bus_fs_clus.obs['fed_neighbor_score'] = neighborScores(bus_fs_clus,'True') #Uncomment to run
#Exact parameters for umap embedding below
#sc.tl.umap(bus_fs_clus,random_state=42,spread=2.5,min_dist = 0.8,init_pos='paga') #min_dist=0.5,spread=3, min_dist=0.3
#Change colormap range
rgb_list = [tuple([67/256,114/256,196/256]),tuple([237/256,125/256,49/256])]
float_list = list(np.linspace(0,1,len(rgb_list)))
cdict = dict()
for num, col in enumerate(['red','green','blue']):
col_list = [[float_list[i],rgb_list[i][num],rgb_list[i][num]] for i in range(len(float_list))]
cdict[col] = col_list
cmp = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap('starv',segmentdata=cdict,N=256)
WARNING: saving figure to file figures/umapscore.pdf
bus_fs_clus.obs['Individual'] = pd.Categorical(bus_fs_clus.obs['orgID'])
Index(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10'], dtype='object')
bus_fs_clus.uns['Individual_colors'] = np.array(['#B00005','#8F5DFD','#FED354',
#Assign color to orgIDs
WARNING: saving figure to file figures/umaporgID.pdf
How Cluster/Cell Type Labels are Assigned¶
#Defining the eight main classes
def annotateLouvain(bus_fs_clus):
cluster_types = []
for i in bus_fs_clus.obs_names:
if bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [35,13,2,0]:
cluster_types += ['Stem Cell/Germ Cell']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [12,11,23,17]:
cluster_types += ['Nematocyte']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [5,10,21]:
cluster_types += ['Mechanosensory']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [6,9,26,31]:
cluster_types += ['Neural']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [34,22,27,32,25]:
cluster_types += ['Gland Cell']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [3,7,14,15,19,24,16,33]:
cluster_types += ['Gastroderm']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [28]:
cluster_types += ['Bioluminescent Cells']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [1,4,29,18,8,30,20]:
cluster_types += ['Epidermal/Muscle']
bus_fs_clus.obs['annos'] = pd.Categorical(cluster_types)
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 13673 × 8696 obs: 'batch', 'n_counts', 'n_countslog', 'louvain', 'leiden', 'orgID', 'fed', 'starved', 'fed_neighbor_score', 'cellRanger_louvain', 'annos', 'new_cellRanger_louvain', 'annosSub' var: 'n_counts', 'mean', 'std' uns: 'annosSub_colors', 'annos_colors', 'cellRanger_louvain_colors', 'cellRanger_louvain_sizes', "dendrogram_['new_cellRanger_louvain']", 'dendrogram_new_cellRanger_louvain', 'fed_colors', 'fed_neighbor_score_colors', 'leiden', 'leiden_colors', 'louvain', 'louvain_colors', 'neighbors', 'new_cellRanger_louvain_colors', 'orgID_colors', 'paga', 'pca', 'rank_genes_groups', 'umap' obsm: 'X_nca', 'X_pca', 'X_tsne', 'X_umap' varm: 'PCs' obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances'
Index(['Bioluminescent Cells', 'Epidermal/Muscle', 'Gastroderm', 'Gland Cell', 'Mechanosensory', 'Nematocyte', 'Neural', 'Stem Cell/Germ Cell'], dtype='object')
bus_fs_clus.uns['annos_colors'] = ['#707B7C','#AF7AC5','#BF124F','#1A5276','#5499C7','#1D8348','#7DCEA0','#F1C40F']
#Get colors for broad class annotations, and apply colors to 36 subclusters
colors = bus_fs_clus.uns['annos_colors']
colorsCellR = bus_fs_clus.uns['cellRanger_louvain_colors']
annos_names = bus_fs_clus.obs["annos"].cat.categories
cellR_names = bus_fs_clus.obs["cellRanger_louvain"].cat.categories
annos_dict = {}
annos_dict['Stem Cell/Germ Cell'] = [35,13,2,0]
annos_dict['Nematocyte'] = [12,11,23,17]
annos_dict['Mechanosensory'] = [5,10,21]
annos_dict['Neural'] = [6,9,26,31]
annos_dict['Gland Cell'] = [34,22,27,32,25]
annos_dict['Gastroderm'] = [3,7,14,15,19,24,16,33]
annos_dict['Bioluminescent Cells'] = [28]
annos_dict['Epidermal/Muscle'] = [1,4,29,18,8,30,20]
#Update 36 Louvain cluster colors with main class colors
for n in annos_names:
pos = annos_dict[n]
for p in pos:
pos_2 = np.where(annos_names == n)[0][0]
colorsCellR[p] = colors[pos_2]
colorsCopy = colorsCellR.copy()
#Append color information to adata
bus_fs_clus.obs['new_cellRanger_louvain'] = bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain']
bus_fs_clus.uns['new_cellRanger_louvain_colors'] = colorsCellR
#Convert labels to string format for plotting - and update order of colors
#Make dictionary with cellRanger_louvain 36 clusters and new names --> new_cellRanger_louvain
bus_fs_clus.obs['new_cellRanger_louvain'] = [str(i) for i in bus_fs_clus.obs['new_cellRanger_louvain']]
bus_fs_clus.obs['new_cellRanger_louvain'] = pd.Categorical(bus_fs_clus.obs['new_cellRanger_louvain'])
new_cats = bus_fs_clus.obs['new_cellRanger_louvain'].cat.categories
new_colors = bus_fs_clus.uns['new_cellRanger_louvain_colors']
for i in range(0,len(new_cats)):
new_colors[i] = colorsCopy[int(new_cats[i])]
bus_fs_clus.uns['new_cellRanger_louvain_colors'] = new_colors
#Create dendrogram for subclusters
bus_fs_clus.uns["dendrogram_new_cellRanger_louvain"] = bus_fs_clus.uns["dendrogram_['new_cellRanger_louvain']"]
array(['#F1C40F', '#AF7AC5', '#5499C7', '#1D8348', '#1D8348', '#F1C40F', '#BF124F', '#BF124F', '#BF124F', '#1D8348', '#AF7AC5', '#BF124F', '#F1C40F', '#AF7AC5', '#5499C7', '#1A5276', '#1D8348', '#BF124F', '#1A5276', '#7DCEA0', '#1A5276', '#707B7C', '#AF7AC5', '#BF124F', '#AF7AC5', '#7DCEA0', '#1A5276', '#BF124F', '#1A5276', '#F1C40F', '#AF7AC5', '#5499C7', '#7DCEA0', '#BF124F', '#AF7AC5', '#7DCEA0'], dtype=object)
#Make plot for 8 broad classes of cell types
colors = bus_fs_clus.uns['annos_colors']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
c = np.unique(bus_fs_clus.obs["annos"].values)
cmap = [i+'70' for i in colors]#plt.cm.get_cmap("tab20")
names = c
for idx, (cluster, name) in enumerate(zip(c, names)):
XX = bus_fs_clus[bus_fs_clus.obs.annos == cluster,:].obsm["X_umap"]
x = XX[:,0]
y = XX[:,1]
ax.scatter(x, y, color = cmap[idx], label=cluster,s=5)
if name == 'Bioluminescent Cells':
(np.median(x)+7, np.median(y)),
size=14, weight='bold',
(np.median(x), np.median(y)),
size=14, weight='bold',
for edge_i in ['bottom','left']:
for edge_i in ['top', 'right']:
#Names for all 36 clusters/cell types
def annotateLouvainSub(bus_fs_clus):
cluster_types = []
for i in bus_fs_clus.obs_names:
if bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [12]:
cluster_types += ['Nematocyte Precursors']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [17]:
cluster_types += ['Maturing/mature Nematocytes']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [11]:
cluster_types += ['Early Nematocytes']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [23]:
cluster_types += ['Late Nematocytes']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [2]:
cluster_types += ['Medium Oocytes']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [13]:
cluster_types += ['Small Oocytes']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [7]:
cluster_types += ['GastroDigestive-B']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [15]:
cluster_types += ['GastroDigestive-D']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [3]:
cluster_types += ['GastroDigestive-A']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [14]:
cluster_types += ['GastroDigestive-C']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [19]:
cluster_types += ['GastroDigestive-E']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [24]:
cluster_types += ['GastroDigestive-F']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [5]:
cluster_types += ['Mechanosensory Cells Early Stages']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [10]:
cluster_types += ['Mechanosensory Cells-A']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [21]:
cluster_types += ['Mechanosensory Cells-B']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [0]:
cluster_types += ['i-Cells']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [1]:
cluster_types += ['Exumbrella Epidermis']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [4]:
cluster_types += ['Manubrium Epidermis']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [6]:
cluster_types += ['Neural Cells Early Stages']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [9]:
cluster_types += ['Neural Cells-A (incl. GLWa, MIH cells)']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [26]:
cluster_types += ['Neural Cells-B (incl. RFamide cells)']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [31]:
cluster_types += ['Neural Cells-C (incl. YFamide cells)']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [8]:
cluster_types += ['Striated Muscle of Subumbrella']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [16]:
cluster_types += ['Tentacle Bulb Distal Gastroderm']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [18]:
cluster_types += ['Radial Smooth Muscles']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [20]:
cluster_types += ['Tentacle Epidermis']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [22]:
cluster_types += ['Gland Cells-A']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [25]:
cluster_types += ['Gland Cells-C']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [27]:
cluster_types += ['Gland Cells-B']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [28]:
cluster_types += ['Tentacle GFP Cells']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [29]:
cluster_types += ['Gonad Epidermis']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [30]:
cluster_types += ['Striated Muscle of Velum']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [32]:
cluster_types += ['Gland Cells-D']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [33]:
cluster_types += ['Endodermal Plate']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [34]:
cluster_types += ['Gland Cells-E']
elif bus_fs_clus[i,:].obs['cellRanger_louvain'][0] in [35]:
cluster_types += ['Very Early Oocytes']
bus_fs_clus.obs['annosSub'] = pd.Categorical(cluster_types)
colors = bus_fs_clus.uns['annosSub_colors']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
c = np.unique(bus_fs_clus.obs["cellRanger_louvain"].values)
cmap = [i+'70' for i in colors]
names = c
for idx, (cluster, name) in enumerate(zip(c, names)):
XX = bus_fs_clus[bus_fs_clus.obs.cellRanger_louvain.isin([cluster]),:].obsm["X_umap"]
text = list(bus_fs_clus[bus_fs_clus.obs.cellRanger_louvain.isin([cluster]),:].obs.annosSub)[0]
x = XX[:,0]
y = XX[:,1]
ax.scatter(x, y, color = cmap[idx], label=str(cluster)+': '+text,s=5)
(np.mean(x), np.mean(y)),
size=20, weight='bold',
ax.legend(loc='center left',bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5),prop={'size': 10},frameon=False)
# This is the saved output used in the notebook
Heatmaps for Top Markers¶
How marker genes are selected and annotated for the 36 cell types¶
#Get top n marker genes for each cluster
#Keep top 100 genes, 'louvain_neur' is label for neuron clusters determined using Louvain clustering algorithm
sc.tl.rank_genes_groups(bus_fs_clus, 'cellRanger_louvain',n_genes = 100,method='wilcoxon') #Using non-parametric test for significance
#Make dataframe, with 100 marker genes for each cluster + annotations
clusters = np.unique(bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain'])
markers = pd.DataFrame()
clus = []
markerGene = []
padj = []
orthoGene = []
orthoDescr = []
pantherNum = []
pantherDescr = []
goTerms = []
for i in clusters:
genes = bus_fs_clus.uns['rank_genes_groups']['names'][str(i)]
clus += list(np.repeat(i,len(genes)))
markerGene += list(genes)
padj += list(bus_fs_clus.uns['rank_genes_groups']['pvals_adj'][str(i)])
for g in genes:
sub_df = hg_ortho_df[hg_ortho_df.XLOC.isin([g])]
panth_df = panther_df[panther_df[0].isin([g])]
go_df = goTerm_df[goTerm_df[0].isin([g])]
if len(sub_df) > 0:
#Save first result for gene/description
orthoGene += [list(sub_df.Gene)[0]]
orthoDescr += [list(sub_df.Description)[0]]
orthoGene += ['NA']
orthoDescr += ['NA']
if len(panth_df) > 0:
pantherNum += [list(panth_df[1])]
pantherDescr += [list(panth_df[2])]
pantherNum += ['NA']
pantherDescr += ['NA']
if len(go_df) > 0:
goTerms += [list(go_df[1])]
goTerms += ['NA']
markers['clus'] = clus
markers['markerGene'] = markerGene
markers['padj'] = padj
markers['orthoGene'] = orthoGene
markers['orthoDescr'] = orthoDescr
markers['pantherID'] = pantherNum
markers['pantherDescr'] = pantherDescr
markers['goTerms'] = goTerms
clus | markerGene | padj | orthoGene | orthoDescr | pantherID | pantherDescr | goTerms | |
0 | 0 | XLOC_010813 | 0.0 | DDX39B | spliceosome RNA helicase DDX39B [Homo sapiens] | [PTHR47958:SF10] | [ATP-DEPENDENT RNA HELICASE DDX39A] | [GO:0015931,GO:0051169,GO:0006807,GO:0030529,G... |
1 | 0 | XLOC_043536 | 0.0 | CCT7 | T-complex protein 1 subunit eta isoform a [Ho... | [PTHR11353:SF22] | [T-COMPLEX PROTEIN 1 SUBUNIT ETA] | [GO:0019538,GO:0044238,GO:0006461,GO:0006457,G... |
2 | 0 | XLOC_008430 | 0.0 | PA2G4 | proliferation-associated protein 2G4 [Homo sa... | [PTHR10804:SF11] | [PROLIFERATION-ASSOCIATED PROTEIN 2G4] | [GO:0016787,GO:0044238,GO:0008152,GO:0006508,G... |
3 | 0 | XLOC_017967 | 0.0 | NA | NA | NA | NA | [nan] |
4 | 0 | XLOC_000657 | 0.0 | RPS12 | 40S ribosomal protein S12 [Homo sapiens] | [PTHR11843:SF19] | [40S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S12] | [GO:0005737,GO:0005622,GO:0032991,GO:0005840,G... |
#Write to csv
#Read in csv (previously saved version, uploaded to Box)
markers = pd.read_csv('fs_marker_annotations.csv',
Unnamed: 0 | clus | markerGene | padj | orthoGene | orthoDescr | pantherID | pantherDescr | goTerms | |
0 | 0 | 0 | XLOC_010813 | 0.0 | DDX39B | spliceosome RNA helicase DDX39B [Homo sapiens] | ['PTHR24031:SF521'] | ['SPLICEOSOME RNA HELICASE DDX39B'] | ['GO:0015931,GO:0051169,GO:0006807,GO:0030529,... |
1 | 1 | 0 | XLOC_043536 | 0.0 | CCT7 | T-complex protein 1 subunit eta isoform a [Ho... | ['PTHR11353:SF139'] | ['T-COMPLEX PROTEIN 1 SUBUNIT ETA'] | ['GO:0019538,GO:0044238,GO:0006461,GO:0006457,... |
2 | 2 | 0 | XLOC_008430 | 0.0 | PA2G4 | proliferation-associated protein 2G4 [Homo sa... | ['PTHR10804:SF125'] | ['PROLIFERATION-ASSOCIATED 2G4 ,B'] | ['GO:0016787,GO:0044238,GO:0008152,GO:0006508,... |
3 | 3 | 0 | XLOC_017967 | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | [nan] |
4 | 4 | 0 | XLOC_000657 | 0.0 | RPS12 | 40S ribosomal protein S12 [Homo sapiens] | ['PTHR11843:SF5'] | ['40S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S12'] | ['GO:0005737,GO:0005622,GO:0032991,GO:0005840,... |
topGenes = []
clusts = []
names = []
var_groups = []
var_labels = []
top5 = pd.DataFrame()
ind = 0
n_genes = 5
for j in np.unique(markers.clus):
sub = markers[markers.clus == j]
noDups = [i for i in sub.markerGene if i not in topGenes] #Remove duplicate genes
topGenes += list(noDups[0:n_genes])
clusts += [j]*n_genes
top5['marker'] = topGenes
top5['clus'] = clusts
Read in saved markers for figure¶
#List of top markers for Figure 2, from subset of top5markers
topMarkers = pd.read_csv('D1.1809',sep=",")
clus | markerGene | annot | orthoGene | orthoDescr | pantherID | pantherDescr | source | |
0 | 0 | XLOC_010813 | DDX39A/B | DDX39B | spliceosome RNA helicase DDX39B [Homo sapiens] | ['PTHR24031:SF521'] | ['SPLICEOSOME RNA HELICASE DDX39B'] | |
1 | 0 | XLOC_008430 | PA2G4 | PA2G4 | proliferation-associated protein 2G4 [Homo sa... | ['PTHR10804:SF125'] | ['PROLIFERATION-ASSOCIATED 2G4 ,B'] | |
2 | 1 | XLOC_016073 | ZP-containing-1 | NaN | NaN | ['PTHR11576'] | ['ZONA PELLUCIDA SPERM-BINDING PROTEIN 3'] | |
3 | 2 | XLOC_006164 | FMN-reductiase | NaN | NaN | ['PTHR30543:SF12'] | ['NAD(P)H-DEPENDENT FMN REDUCTASE LOT6'] | |
4 | 3 | XLOC_013735 | Innexin-like | NaN | NaN | ['PTHR11893:SF41'] | ['INNEXIN INX7'] |
topMarkers = topMarkers[0:51]
topGenes = []
names = []
var_groups = []
var_labels = []
ind = 0
#Add cell type labels for gene markers
for i in np.unique(topMarkers.clus):
sub = topMarkers[topMarkers.clus == i]
topGenes += list(sub.markerGene)
names += list(sub.annot)
var_groups += [(ind,ind+len(list(sub.annot))-1)]
var_labels += [str(int(i))]
ind += len(list(sub.annot))
#Add to raw data so any genes can be plotted
#Kallisto bus h5ad file with no gene filtering
bus_fs_raw = anndata.read("D1.1797")
print(bus_fs_raw )
sc.pp.filter_cells(bus_fs_raw, min_counts=0) #1
sc.pp.filter_genes(bus_fs_raw, min_counts=0)
bus_fs_raw.obs['new_cellRanger_louvain'] = bus_fs_clus.obs['new_cellRanger_louvain']
bus_fs_raw.uns["dendrogram_new_cellRanger_louvain"] = bus_fs_clus.uns["dendrogram_new_cellRanger_louvain"]
bus_fs_raw.uns['new_cellRanger_louvain_colors'] = bus_fs_clus.uns['new_cellRanger_louvain_colors']
bus_fs_raw.obs['fed'] = pd.Categorical(bus_fs_clus.obs['fed'])
bus_fs_raw.obs['cellRanger_louvain'] = pd.Categorical(bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain'])
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 13673 × 46716 obs: 'batch'
#Plot data with names attached to gene XLOCs
toPlot = bus_fs_raw[:,topGenes]
toPlot.var['names'] = names
Trying to set attribute `.var` of view, copying.
#Subsample for clusters > 100 in size
#Subsample from full dataset, across each cluster
def subSample(adata):
groups = np.unique(adata.obs['cellRanger_louvain'])
subSample = 100
cellNames = np.array(adata.obs_names)
allCells = []
for i in groups:
cells = np.array(list(adata.obs['cellRanger_louvain'].isin([i])))
cellLocs = list(np.where(cells)[0])
if len(cellLocs) > 100:
#Take all cells if < subSample
choice = random.sample(cellLocs,subSample)
choice = cellLocs
pos = list(choice)
allCells += list(cellNames[pos])
sub = adata[allCells,:]
return sub
toPlotSub = subSample(toPlot)
View of AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 3404 × 51 obs: 'batch', 'n_counts', 'new_cellRanger_louvain', 'fed', 'cellRanger_louvain' var: 'n_counts', 'names' uns: 'dendrogram_new_cellRanger_louvain', 'new_cellRanger_louvain_colors', 'log1p'
array(['#F1C40F', '#AF7AC5', '#5499C7', '#1D8348', '#1D8348', '#F1C40F', '#BF124F', '#BF124F', '#BF124F', '#1D8348', '#AF7AC5', '#BF124F', '#F1C40F', '#AF7AC5', '#5499C7', '#1A5276', '#1D8348', '#BF124F', '#1A5276', '#7DCEA0', '#1A5276', '#707B7C', '#AF7AC5', '#BF124F', '#AF7AC5', '#7DCEA0', '#1A5276', '#BF124F', '#1A5276', '#F1C40F', '#AF7AC5', '#5499C7', '#7DCEA0', '#BF124F', '#AF7AC5', '#7DCEA0'], dtype=object)
sc.set_figure_params(scanpy=True, fontsize=30,dpi=150)
#bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain'] = pd.Categorical([str(i) for i in bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain']])
sc.pl.heatmap(toPlotSub, names, groupby='new_cellRanger_louvain', dendrogram=True,show_gene_labels=True,
standard_scale='var',use_raw=False,swap_axes=True,figsize = (30,30),save='cellAtlas.pdf')
WARNING: saving figure to file figures/heatmapcellAtlas.pdf
DE Gene Analysis Across Clusters (After Extracting Perturbed Genes)¶
#Remove clusters with < 10 cells per condition
#Read in previously saved data
bus_fs_clus = anndata.read("D1.1796")
print(bus_fs_clus )
bus_fs_raw = anndata.read("D1.1797")
bus_fs_raw = bus_fs_raw[bus_fs_clus.obs_names,]
#bus_fs_raw.obs['orgID'] = bus_fs_clus.obs['orgID']
bus_fs_raw.obs['fed'] = bus_fs_clus.obs['fed']
bus_fs_raw.obs['cellRanger_louvain'] = bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain']
Trying to set attribute `.obs` of view, copying.
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 13673 × 8696 obs: 'batch', 'n_counts', 'n_countslog', 'louvain', 'leiden', 'orgID', 'fed', 'starved', 'fed_neighbor_score', 'cellRanger_louvain', 'annos', 'new_cellRanger_louvain', 'annosSub' var: 'n_counts', 'mean', 'std' uns: 'annosSub_colors', 'annos_colors', 'cellRanger_louvain_colors', 'cellRanger_louvain_sizes', "dendrogram_['new_cellRanger_louvain']", 'dendrogram_new_cellRanger_louvain', 'fed_colors', 'fed_neighbor_score_colors', 'leiden', 'leiden_colors', 'louvain', 'louvain_colors', 'neighbors', 'new_cellRanger_louvain_colors', 'orgID_colors', 'paga', 'pca', 'rank_genes_groups', 'umap' obsm: 'X_nca', 'X_pca', 'X_tsne', 'X_umap' varm: 'PCs' obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances'
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 13673 × 46716 obs: 'batch', 'fed', 'cellRanger_louvain'
Cluster DE Genes by Expression and Run TopGO Analysis¶
Use output from DeSeq2 analysis in separate notebook: Genes in each cell type with differential expression under starvation
deGenesDF = pd.read_csv('D1.1810') #deSeq2_deGenesDF_log2FCof1_singleCellReplicates_noShrinkage_subSample_annotations.csv from DeSeq2 analysis
Unnamed: 0 | Unnamed: 0.1 | Unnamed: 0.1.1 | Genes | Cluster | Condition | padj | padjClus | log2FC | orthoGene | orthoDescr | pantherID | pantherDescr | goTerms | geneClus | |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | XLOC_028699 | 0 | Starved | 5.554489e-16 | 1.832981e-14 | -1.284301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 4 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | XLOC_010635 | 0 | Starved | 2.528288e-14 | 8.343350e-13 | -1.492625 | SRSF1 | serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 isofor... | ['PTHR24012:SF650'] | ['SERINE/ARGININE-RICH SPLICING FACTOR 1'] | [nan] | 4 |
2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | XLOC_011294 | 0 | Starved | 8.348790e-14 | 2.755101e-12 | -1.441413 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | [nan] | 0 |
3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | XLOC_034889 | 0 | Starved | 1.786565e-13 | 5.895663e-12 | -1.448216 | NaN | NaN | ['PTHR13680:SF29'] | ['CDGSH IRON-SULFUR DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN ... | [nan] | 1 |
4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | XLOC_030861 | 0 | Starved | 8.598653e-12 | 2.837556e-10 | -1.570453 | SRSF1 | serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 isofor... | ['PTHR24012:SF650'] | ['SERINE/ARGININE-RICH SPLICING FACTOR 1'] | [nan] | 4 |
deGenesDF_sig = deGenesDF[deGenesDF.padjClus < 0.05]
Cluster gene x cell matrix for 'perturbed' genes
#Filter raw count dataset for only perturbed genes
bus_fs_raw = anndata.read("D1.1797")
bus_fs_raw = bus_fs_raw [:,np.unique(deGenesDF_sig.Genes)]
bus_fs_raw =bus_fs_raw[bus_fs_clus.obs_names,:]
bus_fs_raw.obs['cellRanger_louvain'] = bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain']
bus_fs_raw.obs['fed'] = bus_fs_clus.obs['fed']
Trying to set attribute `.obs` of view, copying.
de_gene_adata = anndata.AnnData(X=bus_fs_raw.X.T)
de_gene_adata.var_names = bus_fs_raw.obs_names
de_gene_adata.obs_names = bus_fs_raw.var_names
de_gene_adata_orig = de_gene_adata.copy()
numIntersects = deGenesDF['Genes'].value_counts()
num_intersect = []
for g in de_gene_adata.obs_names:
if g in list(deGenesDF['Genes']):
num_intersect += [numIntersects[g]]
num_intersect += [0]
de_gene_adata.obs['numIntersects'] = pd.Categorical(num_intersect)
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 953 × 13673 obs: 'numIntersects'
#Normalize and scale data
sc.pp.filter_genes(de_gene_adata, min_counts=0)
sc.pp.normalize_per_cell(de_gene_adata, counts_per_cell_after=1e4)
de_gene_adata.raw = sc.pp.log1p(de_gene_adata, copy=True)
sc.pp.scale(de_gene_adata, max_value=10)
sc.tl.pca(de_gene_adata, n_comps=60,random_state=42)
#sc.pl.pca_variance_ratio(bus_combo, log=True)
#Determine neighbors for clustering
sc.pp.neighbors(de_gene_adata,n_neighbors=20, n_pcs=15) #n_neighbors=5, n_pcs=15, 20, n_pcs=15
sc.tl.tsne(de_gene_adata, n_pcs=15,random_state=42)
WARNING: Consider installing the package MulticoreTSNE (https://github.com/DmitryUlyanov/Multicore-TSNE). Even for n_jobs=1 this speeds up the computation considerably and might yield better converged results.
sc.tl.tsne(de_gene_adata, n_pcs=10,random_state=42,perplexity=15) #
WARNING: Consider installing the package MulticoreTSNE (https://github.com/DmitryUlyanov/Multicore-TSNE). Even for n_jobs=1 this speeds up the computation considerably and might yield better converged results.
# Add which gene modules the pertubed genes are in
clusters = []
for g in deGenesDF.Genes:
if g in list(de_gene_adata.obs_names):
clus = de_gene_adata[g,:].obs['louvain'][0]
clusters += [clus]
clusters += ['padjClus_not_sig']
deGenesDF['geneClus'] = clusters
Unnamed: 0 | Unnamed: 0.1 | Genes | Cluster | Condition | padj | padjClus | log2FC | orthoGene | orthoDescr | pantherID | pantherDescr | goTerms | geneClus | |
0 | 0 | 1 | XLOC_028699 | 0 | Starved | 5.554489e-16 | 1.832981e-14 | -1.284301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 4 |
1 | 1 | 2 | XLOC_010635 | 0 | Starved | 2.528288e-14 | 8.343350e-13 | -1.492625 | SRSF1 | serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 isofor... | ['PTHR24012:SF650'] | ['SERINE/ARGININE-RICH SPLICING FACTOR 1'] | [nan] | 4 |
2 | 2 | 3 | XLOC_011294 | 0 | Starved | 8.348790e-14 | 2.755101e-12 | -1.441413 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | [nan] | 0 |
3 | 3 | 4 | XLOC_034889 | 0 | Starved | 1.786565e-13 | 5.895663e-12 | -1.448216 | NaN | NaN | ['PTHR13680:SF29'] | ['CDGSH IRON-SULFUR DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN ... | [nan] | 1 |
4 | 4 | 5 | XLOC_030861 | 0 | Starved | 8.598653e-12 | 2.837556e-10 | -1.570453 | SRSF1 | serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 isofor... | ['PTHR24012:SF650'] | ['SERINE/ARGININE-RICH SPLICING FACTOR 1'] | [nan] | 4 |
deGenesDF = pd.read_csv('D1.1810')
Unnamed: 0 | Unnamed: 0.1 | Unnamed: 0.1.1 | Genes | Cluster | Condition | padj | padjClus | log2FC | orthoGene | orthoDescr | pantherID | pantherDescr | goTerms | geneClus | |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | XLOC_028699 | 0 | Starved | 5.554489e-16 | 1.832981e-14 | -1.284301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 4 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | XLOC_010635 | 0 | Starved | 2.528288e-14 | 8.343350e-13 | -1.492625 | SRSF1 | serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 isofor... | ['PTHR24012:SF650'] | ['SERINE/ARGININE-RICH SPLICING FACTOR 1'] | [nan] | 4 |
2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | XLOC_011294 | 0 | Starved | 8.348790e-14 | 2.755101e-12 | -1.441413 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | [nan] | 0 |
3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | XLOC_034889 | 0 | Starved | 1.786565e-13 | 5.895663e-12 | -1.448216 | NaN | NaN | ['PTHR13680:SF29'] | ['CDGSH IRON-SULFUR DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN ... | [nan] | 1 |
4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | XLOC_030861 | 0 | Starved | 8.598653e-12 | 2.837556e-10 | -1.570453 | SRSF1 | serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 isofor... | ['PTHR24012:SF650'] | ['SERINE/ARGININE-RICH SPLICING FACTOR 1'] | [nan] | 4 |
Run TopGO analysis for gene modules to find GO Term enrichment
#For topGO analysis (To Assign Labels to Modules)
def returnVal(i):
if i == i:
i= i.replace("[","")
i = i.replace("]","")
i= i.replace("'","")
i = i.replace("'","")
return i
return 'nan'
deGenesDF.goTerms = [returnVal(i) for i in list(deGenesDF.goTerms)]
deGenesDF = deGenesDF[deGenesDF.goTerms != 'nan']
deGenesDF = deGenesDF[deGenesDF.geneClus != 'padjClus_not_sig']
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE)){
#Read in DE genes (XLOC's) with GO Terms
geneID2GO <- readMappings(file = "atlas_deseq2_genes_fortopGO.txt")
str(head(geneID2GO ))
#Add gene modules as factor
atlas_deseq2_genes_fortopGO_metadata <- read_delim("atlas_deseq2_genes_fortopGO_metadata.txt",
"\t", escape_double = FALSE, col_names = FALSE,
trim_ws = TRUE)
#Set variables
allMods = unique(atlas_deseq2_genes_fortopGO_metadata$X3)
alpha = 0.05/length(allMods) #Bonferroni correction, could correct for all pairwise comparisons?
getEnrichTerms <- function(geneID2GO, modMetadata, clus){
mods <- factor(as.integer(modMetadata$X3 == clus)) #Choose gene module to make 'interesting'
names(mods) <- names(geneID2GO)
#Get genes only in module of interest
clusGenes <- function(mods) {
return(mods == 1)
subMods <- clusGenes(mods)
#Make GO data
GOdata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "BP", allGenes = mods,
geneSel = subMods, annot = annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO = geneID2GO)
resultFis <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "fisher")
resultWeight <- runTest(GOdata, statistic = "fisher")
#P-values from Weight Algorithm
pvalsWeight <- score(resultWeight)
#hist(pvalsWeight, 50, xlab = "p-values")
allRes <- GenTable(GOdata, classic = resultFis, weight = resultWeight,
orderBy = "weight", ranksOf = "classic", topNodes = 20)
subRes <- allRes[as.numeric(allRes$weight) < alpha,]
#Write output
#Run for all modules and write outputs
for(c in allMods){
getEnrichTerms(geneID2GO = geneID2GO,modMetadata = atlas_deseq2_genes_fortopGO_metadata, clus = c)
List of 6 $ XLOC_007052: chr [1:5] "GO:0019538" "GO:0044238" "GO:0006461" "GO:0006457" ... $ XLOC_045583: chr [1:17] "GO:0005488" "GO:0006139" "GO:0007166" "GO:0044238" ... $ XLOC_004670: chr [1:12] "GO:0016070" "GO:0006139" "GO:0044238" "GO:0019219" ... $ XLOC_025064: chr [1:3] "GO:0003824" "GO:0008152" "GO:0016491" $ XLOC_045734: chr [1:16] "GO:0016070" "GO:0016787" "GO:0016072" "GO:0044238" ... $ XLOC_042552: chr [1:31] "GO:0019220" "GO:0005085" "GO:0006807" "GO:0007165" ...
R[write to console]: ── Column specification ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────── cols( X1 = col_character(), X2 = col_character(), X3 = col_double() ) R[write to console]: Building most specific GOs ..... R[write to console]: ( 176 GO terms found. ) R[write to console]: Build GO DAG topology .......... R[write to console]: ( 442 GO terms and 780 relations. ) R[write to console]: Annotating nodes ............... R[write to console]: ( 440 genes annotated to the GO terms. ) R[write to console]: -- Classic Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 193 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: -- Weight01 Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 193 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: Level 12: 4 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 11: 5 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 10: 5 nodes to be scored (38 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 9: 11 nodes to be scored (42 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 8: 15 nodes to be scored (63 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 7: 17 nodes to be scored (123 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 6: 31 nodes to be scored (174 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 5: 41 nodes to be scored (228 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 4: 31 nodes to be scored (278 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 3: 24 nodes to be scored (340 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 2: 8 nodes to be scored (374 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 1: 1 nodes to be scored (408 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Building most specific GOs ..... R[write to console]: ( 176 GO terms found. ) R[write to console]: Build GO DAG topology .......... R[write to console]: ( 442 GO terms and 780 relations. ) R[write to console]: Annotating nodes ............... R[write to console]: ( 440 genes annotated to the GO terms. ) R[write to console]: -- Classic Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 221 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: -- Weight01 Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 221 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: Level 13: 1 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 12: 3 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 11: 4 nodes to be scored (4 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 10: 5 nodes to be scored (29 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 9: 11 nodes to be scored (37 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 8: 18 nodes to be scored (50 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 7: 22 nodes to be scored (105 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 6: 28 nodes to be scored (149 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 5: 48 nodes to be scored (222 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 4: 40 nodes to be scored (286 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 3: 30 nodes to be scored (360 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 2: 10 nodes to be scored (385 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 1: 1 nodes to be scored (409 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Building most specific GOs ..... R[write to console]: ( 176 GO terms found. ) R[write to console]: Build GO DAG topology .......... R[write to console]: ( 442 GO terms and 780 relations. ) R[write to console]: Annotating nodes ............... R[write to console]: ( 440 genes annotated to the GO terms. ) R[write to console]: -- Classic Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 208 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: -- Weight01 Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 208 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: Level 13: 1 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 12: 3 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 11: 5 nodes to be scored (4 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 10: 7 nodes to be scored (38 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 9: 15 nodes to be scored (45 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 8: 19 nodes to be scored (67 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 7: 15 nodes to be scored (124 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 6: 30 nodes to be scored (176 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 5: 45 nodes to be scored (223 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 4: 32 nodes to be scored (284 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 3: 26 nodes to be scored (347 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 2: 9 nodes to be scored (383 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 1: 1 nodes to be scored (407 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Building most specific GOs ..... R[write to console]: ( 176 GO terms found. ) R[write to console]: Build GO DAG topology .......... R[write to console]: ( 442 GO terms and 780 relations. ) R[write to console]: Annotating nodes ............... R[write to console]: ( 440 genes annotated to the GO terms. ) R[write to console]: -- Classic Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 165 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: -- Weight01 Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 165 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: Level 13: 1 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 12: 3 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 11: 4 nodes to be scored (4 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 10: 5 nodes to be scored (29 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 9: 10 nodes to be scored (35 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 8: 12 nodes to be scored (52 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 7: 12 nodes to be scored (107 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 6: 23 nodes to be scored (158 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 5: 38 nodes to be scored (205 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 4: 27 nodes to be scored (264 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 3: 22 nodes to be scored (341 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 2: 7 nodes to be scored (379 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 1: 1 nodes to be scored (402 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Building most specific GOs ..... R[write to console]: ( 176 GO terms found. ) R[write to console]: Build GO DAG topology .......... R[write to console]: ( 442 GO terms and 780 relations. ) R[write to console]: Annotating nodes ............... R[write to console]: ( 440 genes annotated to the GO terms. ) R[write to console]: -- Classic Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 165 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: -- Weight01 Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 165 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: Level 12: 2 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 11: 3 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 10: 3 nodes to be scored (23 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 9: 6 nodes to be scored (31 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 8: 8 nodes to be scored (46 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 7: 13 nodes to be scored (101 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 6: 27 nodes to be scored (151 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 5: 37 nodes to be scored (199 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 4: 27 nodes to be scored (263 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 3: 28 nodes to be scored (337 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 2: 10 nodes to be scored (379 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 1: 1 nodes to be scored (411 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Building most specific GOs ..... R[write to console]: ( 176 GO terms found. ) R[write to console]: Build GO DAG topology .......... R[write to console]: ( 442 GO terms and 780 relations. ) R[write to console]: Annotating nodes ............... R[write to console]: ( 440 genes annotated to the GO terms. ) R[write to console]: -- Classic Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 191 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: -- Weight01 Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 191 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: Level 12: 1 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 11: 2 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 10: 4 nodes to be scored (23 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 9: 6 nodes to be scored (31 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 8: 10 nodes to be scored (49 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 7: 17 nodes to be scored (92 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 6: 25 nodes to be scored (124 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 5: 48 nodes to be scored (198 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 4: 37 nodes to be scored (265 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 3: 30 nodes to be scored (355 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 2: 10 nodes to be scored (385 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 1: 1 nodes to be scored (410 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Building most specific GOs ..... R[write to console]: ( 176 GO terms found. ) R[write to console]: Build GO DAG topology .......... R[write to console]: ( 442 GO terms and 780 relations. ) R[write to console]: Annotating nodes ............... R[write to console]: ( 440 genes annotated to the GO terms. ) R[write to console]: -- Classic Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 183 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: -- Weight01 Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 183 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: Level 12: 1 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 11: 1 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 10: 1 nodes to be scored (13 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 9: 4 nodes to be scored (13 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 8: 10 nodes to be scored (13 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 7: 15 nodes to be scored (71 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 6: 31 nodes to be scored (126 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 5: 45 nodes to be scored (207 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 4: 35 nodes to be scored (289 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 3: 29 nodes to be scored (348 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 2: 10 nodes to be scored (383 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 1: 1 nodes to be scored (410 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Building most specific GOs ..... R[write to console]: ( 176 GO terms found. ) R[write to console]: Build GO DAG topology .......... R[write to console]: ( 442 GO terms and 780 relations. ) R[write to console]: Annotating nodes ............... R[write to console]: ( 440 genes annotated to the GO terms. ) R[write to console]: -- Classic Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 180 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: -- Weight01 Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 180 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: Level 12: 1 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 11: 2 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 10: 4 nodes to be scored (23 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 9: 7 nodes to be scored (31 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 8: 11 nodes to be scored (47 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 7: 17 nodes to be scored (102 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 6: 26 nodes to be scored (137 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 5: 44 nodes to be scored (222 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 4: 33 nodes to be scored (274 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 3: 25 nodes to be scored (361 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 2: 9 nodes to be scored (383 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 1: 1 nodes to be scored (410 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Building most specific GOs ..... R[write to console]: ( 176 GO terms found. ) R[write to console]: Build GO DAG topology .......... R[write to console]: ( 442 GO terms and 780 relations. ) R[write to console]: Annotating nodes ............... R[write to console]: ( 440 genes annotated to the GO terms. ) R[write to console]: -- Classic Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 76 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: -- Weight01 Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 76 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: Level 9: 1 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 8: 2 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 7: 4 nodes to be scored (54 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 6: 7 nodes to be scored (85 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 5: 20 nodes to be scored (90 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 4: 17 nodes to be scored (175 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 3: 16 nodes to be scored (316 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 2: 8 nodes to be scored (349 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 1: 1 nodes to be scored (391 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Building most specific GOs ..... R[write to console]: ( 176 GO terms found. ) R[write to console]: Build GO DAG topology .......... R[write to console]: ( 442 GO terms and 780 relations. ) R[write to console]: Annotating nodes ............... R[write to console]: ( 440 genes annotated to the GO terms. ) R[write to console]: -- Classic Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 101 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: -- Weight01 Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 101 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: Level 9: 2 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 8: 6 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 7: 10 nodes to be scored (55 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 6: 14 nodes to be scored (67 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 5: 23 nodes to be scored (126 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 4: 19 nodes to be scored (229 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 3: 18 nodes to be scored (291 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 2: 8 nodes to be scored (367 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 1: 1 nodes to be scored (393 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Building most specific GOs ..... R[write to console]: ( 176 GO terms found. ) R[write to console]: Build GO DAG topology .......... R[write to console]: ( 442 GO terms and 780 relations. ) R[write to console]: Annotating nodes ............... R[write to console]: ( 440 genes annotated to the GO terms. ) R[write to console]: -- Classic Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 152 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: -- Weight01 Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 152 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: Level 12: 1 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 11: 2 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 10: 3 nodes to be scored (23 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 9: 4 nodes to be scored (31 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 8: 7 nodes to be scored (41 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 7: 11 nodes to be scored (91 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 6: 26 nodes to be scored (108 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 5: 37 nodes to be scored (176 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 4: 27 nodes to be scored (252 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 3: 23 nodes to be scored (324 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 2: 10 nodes to be scored (361 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 1: 1 nodes to be scored (401 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Building most specific GOs ..... R[write to console]: ( 176 GO terms found. ) R[write to console]: Build GO DAG topology .......... R[write to console]: ( 442 GO terms and 780 relations. ) R[write to console]: Annotating nodes ............... R[write to console]: ( 440 genes annotated to the GO terms. ) R[write to console]: -- Classic Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 139 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: -- Weight01 Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 139 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: Level 10: 1 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 9: 4 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 8: 8 nodes to be scored (7 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 7: 13 nodes to be scored (69 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 6: 21 nodes to be scored (121 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 5: 29 nodes to be scored (213 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 4: 28 nodes to be scored (286 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 3: 26 nodes to be scored (349 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 2: 8 nodes to be scored (381 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 1: 1 nodes to be scored (408 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Building most specific GOs ..... R[write to console]: ( 176 GO terms found. ) R[write to console]: Build GO DAG topology .......... R[write to console]: ( 442 GO terms and 780 relations. ) R[write to console]: Annotating nodes ............... R[write to console]: ( 440 genes annotated to the GO terms. ) R[write to console]: -- Classic Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 157 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: -- Weight01 Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 157 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: Level 12: 1 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 11: 2 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 10: 2 nodes to be scored (23 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 9: 3 nodes to be scored (31 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 8: 5 nodes to be scored (39 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 7: 12 nodes to be scored (90 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 6: 24 nodes to be scored (126 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 5: 40 nodes to be scored (168 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 4: 32 nodes to be scored (249 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 3: 26 nodes to be scored (340 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 2: 9 nodes to be scored (380 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 1: 1 nodes to be scored (403 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Building most specific GOs ..... R[write to console]: ( 176 GO terms found. ) R[write to console]: Build GO DAG topology .......... R[write to console]: ( 442 GO terms and 780 relations. ) R[write to console]: Annotating nodes ............... R[write to console]: ( 440 genes annotated to the GO terms. ) R[write to console]: -- Classic Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 227 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: -- Weight01 Algorithm -- the algorithm is scoring 227 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher R[write to console]: Level 12: 3 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 11: 4 nodes to be scored (0 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 10: 6 nodes to be scored (36 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 9: 11 nodes to be scored (40 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 8: 21 nodes to be scored (59 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 7: 21 nodes to be scored (106 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 6: 36 nodes to be scored (161 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 5: 51 nodes to be scored (203 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 4: 34 nodes to be scored (267 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 3: 28 nodes to be scored (338 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 2: 11 nodes to be scored (384 eliminated genes) R[write to console]: Level 1: 1 nodes to be scored (410 eliminated genes)
DE Genes Across Cell Types¶
We analyze clustered perturbed genes with GO term analysis output by looking at the sharing of gene modules between cell types and differential expression of these genes under starvation
deGenesDF = pd.read_csv('D1.1810')
#Read in saved de_gene_adata here
de_gene_adata = anndata.read('D1.1813')
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 953 × 13673 obs: 'numIntersects', 'n_counts', 'louvain', 'clus35', 'clus14', 'clus19' var: 'n_counts', 'mean', 'std' uns: 'louvain', 'louvain_colors', 'neighbors', 'numIntersects_colors', 'pca' obsm: 'X_pca', 'X_tsne' varm: 'PCs' obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances'
#Based on saved topGO output (See script....)
c = np.unique(de_gene_adata.obs["louvain"].values)
['0' '1' '10' '11' '12' '13' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9']
names = ['Protein Synthesis & Stress Response','Oxidative Phosphorylation','Cytoskeletal','Synaptic Transmission & Transport','NA','NA',
'Phosphate-Containing Metabolic Process','Cell Cycle & Development (Early Oocytes)','Protein Synthesis',
'Proteolysis & Cell Physiology','Cell Cycle','Protein Synthesis & Transport','Cell-Matrix Adhesion','Metabolic Process']
geneClusNames = dict(zip(c, names))
addNames = []
deGenesDF_sig = deGenesDF[deGenesDF.geneClus != 'padjClus_not_sig']
for i in deGenesDF_sig.geneClus:
addNames += [geneClusNames[i]]
deGenesDF_sig['names'] = addNames
Unnamed: 0 | Unnamed: 0.1 | Unnamed: 0.1.1 | Genes | Cluster | Condition | padj | padjClus | log2FC | orthoGene | orthoDescr | pantherID | pantherDescr | goTerms | geneClus | names | |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | XLOC_028699 | 0 | Starved | 5.554489e-16 | 1.832981e-14 | -1.284301 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | 4 | Protein Synthesis |
1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | XLOC_010635 | 0 | Starved | 2.528288e-14 | 8.343350e-13 | -1.492625 | SRSF1 | serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 isofor... | ['PTHR24012:SF650'] | ['SERINE/ARGININE-RICH SPLICING FACTOR 1'] | [nan] | 4 | Protein Synthesis |
2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | XLOC_011294 | 0 | Starved | 8.348790e-14 | 2.755101e-12 | -1.441413 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | [nan] | 0 | Protein Synthesis & Stress Response |
3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | XLOC_034889 | 0 | Starved | 1.786565e-13 | 5.895663e-12 | -1.448216 | NaN | NaN | ['PTHR13680:SF29'] | ['CDGSH IRON-SULFUR DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN ... | [nan] | 1 | Oxidative Phosphorylation |
4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | XLOC_030861 | 0 | Starved | 8.598653e-12 | 2.837556e-10 | -1.570453 | SRSF1 | serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 isofor... | ['PTHR24012:SF650'] | ['SERINE/ARGININE-RICH SPLICING FACTOR 1'] | [nan] | 4 | Protein Synthesis |
def draw_plots(df, variables, n_rows, n_cols):
for i, var_name in enumerate(variables):
name = geneClusNames[var_name]
sub = df[df['names'] == name]
sub.Cluster.value_counts().sort_values().plot(kind = 'barh',ax=ax,fontsize = 10)
ax.set_title(var_name+': '+name+" Distribution",fontsize = 12)
ax.set_ylabel("Cell Atlas Clusters",fontsize = 12)
ax.set_xlabel("Number of Perturbed Genes from Atlas Cluster",fontsize = 12)
fig.tight_layout() # Improves appearance a bit.
draw_plots(deGenesDF_sig, np.unique(deGenesDF_sig.geneClus), 5, 4)
Gene Module Plots¶
Plot gene modules colored by how genes are shared between cell types
#Mark DE/Perturbed Genes
def returnDE(i,names):
if i in list(names):
return 'DE'
return 'nonSig'
#Mark genes with no GO Terms
def returnVal(i):
if i == i:
i= i.replace("[","")
i = i.replace("]","")
i= i.replace("'","")
i = i.replace("'","")
return i
return 'nan'
def returnGO(i,names):
if i in names:
return "withGO"
return "n/a"
deGenesDF.goTerms = [returnVal(i) for i in list(deGenesDF.goTerms)]
deGenesDF_sub = deGenesDF[deGenesDF.geneClus != 'padjClus_not_sig']
deGenesDF_sub = deGenesDF_sub[deGenesDF_sub.goTerms != 'nan'] # Has GO Term
withGO_names = list(deGenesDF_sub.Genes)
goLabels = [returnGO(i,withGO_names) for i in de_gene_adata.obs_names]
de_gene_adata.obs['withGO'] = pd.Categorical(goLabels)
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 953 × 13673 obs: 'numIntersects', 'n_counts', 'louvain', 'clus35', 'clus14', 'clus19', 'withGO' var: 'n_counts', 'mean', 'std' uns: 'louvain', 'louvain_colors', 'neighbors', 'numIntersects_colors', 'pca' obsm: 'X_pca', 'X_tsne' varm: 'PCs' obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances'
clus14Genes = deGenesDF[deGenesDF.Cluster == 14]
clus19Genes = deGenesDF[deGenesDF.Cluster == 19]
clus35Genes = deGenesDF[deGenesDF.Cluster == 35]
# Label DE/notDE genes
clus35Labels = [returnDE(i,np.unique(clus35Genes.Genes)) for i in de_gene_adata.obs_names]
de_gene_adata.obs['clus35'] = pd.Categorical(clus35Labels)
clus14Labels = [returnDE(i,np.unique(clus14Genes.Genes)) for i in de_gene_adata.obs_names]
de_gene_adata.obs['clus14'] = pd.Categorical(clus14Labels)
# Label DE/notDE genes
clus19Labels = [returnDE(i,np.unique(clus19Genes.Genes)) for i in de_gene_adata.obs_names]
de_gene_adata.obs['clus19'] = pd.Categorical(clus19Labels)
c = list(np.unique(de_gene_adata.obs["louvain"].values))
['0', '1', '10', '11', '12', '13', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
#Add labels to each cluster in de_gene_adata (from GO terms) on tSNE plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6))
#c = np.unique(de_gene_adata.obs["louvain"].values)
cmap = plt.cm.get_cmap("tab20")
for idx, (cluster, cluster) in enumerate(zip(c, c)):
XX = de_gene_adata[de_gene_adata.obs.louvain == cluster,:].obsm["X_tsne"]
x = XX[:,0]
y = XX[:,1]
ax.scatter(x, y, color = cmap(idx), label=cluster,s=25,alpha=0.7)
(np.median(x), np.median(y)),
size=12, weight='bold',
backgroundcolor=cmap(idx) )
#ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
for edge_i in ['bottom','left']:
for edge_i in ['top', 'right']:
# Density plot of perturbed genes with two cell types
def multDensityofDE(de_gene_adata,clusName1,clusName2,label1,label2):
s = 13
# Add labels to each cluster in de_gene_adata (from GO terms) on tSNE plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3,3))
XX = de_gene_adata.obsm["X_tsne"]
de1 = np.array([de_gene_adata.obs[clusName1] == 'DE'])
de2 = np.array([de_gene_adata.obs[clusName2] == 'DE'])
overlap = list(np.where(de1 & de2)[1])
only1 = [i for i in list(np.where(de1)[1]) if i not in overlap]
only2 = [i for i in list(np.where(de2)[1]) if i not in overlap]
nonsig = [i for i in range(0,len(XX[:,0])) if i not in overlap+only1+only2]
x = XX[nonsig,0]
y = XX[nonsig,1]
ax.scatter(x, y, color = 'grey',s=25,alpha=0.1,edgecolors='none') #cmap(idx),label=cluster
x_DE1 = XX[only1,0]
y_DE1 = XX[only1,1]
ax.scatter(x_DE1, y_DE1, color = 'navy',s=25,alpha=0.3,label=label1) #label=cluster
x_DE2 = XX[only2,0]
y_DE2 = XX[only2,1]
ax.scatter(x_DE2, y_DE2, color = 'orange',s=25,alpha=0.3,label=label2) #label=cluster
x_DE3 = XX[overlap,0]
y_DE3 = XX[overlap,1]
ax.scatter(x_DE3, y_DE3, color = 'green',s=25,alpha=0.3,label='Both') #label=cluster
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
# Density plot of perturbed genes with three cell types
def tripleDensityofDE(de_gene_adata,clusName1,clusName2,clusName3,label1,label2):
s = 13
# Add labels to each cluster in de_gene_adata (from GO terms) on tSNE plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3,3))
XX = de_gene_adata.obsm["X_tsne"]
de1 = np.array([de_gene_adata.obs[clusName1] == 'DE'])
de2 = np.array([de_gene_adata.obs[clusName2] == 'DE'])
de3 = np.array([de_gene_adata.obs[clusName3] == 'DE'])
overlap = list(np.where((de1 & de2) | (de1 & de3))[1])
only1 = [i for i in list(np.where(de1)[1]) if i not in overlap]
other = [i for i in list(np.where(de2 | de3)[1]) if i not in overlap]
nonsig = [i for i in range(0,len(XX[:,0])) if i not in overlap+only1+other]
x = XX[nonsig,0]
y = XX[nonsig,1]
ax.scatter(x, y, color = 'grey',s=25,alpha=0.1,edgecolors='none') #cmap(idx),label=cluster
x_DE1 = XX[only1,0]
y_DE1 = XX[only1,1]
ax.scatter(x_DE1, y_DE1, color = 'purple',s=25,alpha=0.3,label=label1) #label=cluster
x_DE2 = XX[other,0]
y_DE2 = XX[other,1]
ax.scatter(x_DE2, y_DE2, color = 'lightcoral',s=25,alpha=0.3,label=label2) #label=cluster
x_DE3 = XX[overlap,0]
y_DE3 = XX[overlap,1]
ax.scatter(x_DE3, y_DE3, color = 'green',s=25,alpha=0.3,label='Shared') #label=cluster
ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
multDensityofDE(de_gene_adata,'clus14','clus19','Cluster 14','Cluster 19')
tripleDensityofDE(de_gene_adata,'clus35','clus14','clus19','Cluster 35','Digestive Types (14/19)')
#Saved version used for this analysis
For Gene Cluster SplitsTree Conversion¶
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
#Centroids of cell atlas/defined clusters
def getClusCentroids(overlap_combo,pcs=60,clusType='knn_clus'):
clusters = np.unique(overlap_combo.obs[clusType])
centroids = np.zeros((len(clusters),pcs))
for c in clusters:
sub_data = overlap_combo[overlap_combo.obs[clusType] == c]
pca_embed = sub_data.obsm['X_pca'][:,0:pcs]
centroid = pca_embed.mean(axis=0)
centroids[int(c),:] = list(centroid)
return centroids
#Compare to pairwise distances between cell atlas clusters
centroids = getClusCentroids(de_gene_adata,60,'louvain')
#centroids_arr = centroids['centroid'].to_numpy()
pairCentroid_dists = pairwise_distances(centroids, metric = 'l1')
(14, 14)
df = pd.DataFrame(pairCentroid_dists)
clus = np.unique(de_gene_adata.obs['louvain'])
df['cluster'] = range(0,len(clus))
clusters = [int(i) for i in de_gene_adata.obs['louvain']]
names = [geneClusDict[str(i)] for i in df['cluster']]
df['annos'] = names
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | cluster | annos | |
0 | 0.000000 | 115.627783 | 143.492221 | 154.445199 | 139.531540 | 161.270522 | 154.411614 | 154.479290 | 179.288620 | 144.515184 | 118.180061 | 187.660104 | 178.807665 | 202.399721 | 0 | Protein Synthesis & Stress Response |
1 | 115.627783 | 0.000000 | 98.075214 | 143.125559 | 77.157201 | 132.257530 | 104.986413 | 100.198085 | 154.236652 | 120.262093 | 92.372829 | 162.726511 | 162.104749 | 182.189908 | 1 | Oxidative Phosphorylation |
2 | 143.492221 | 98.075214 | 0.000000 | 134.376313 | 89.768823 | 148.965495 | 132.329147 | 117.734078 | 154.317732 | 126.807212 | 122.691857 | 161.371515 | 178.094517 | 187.628485 | 2 | Phosphate-Containing Metabolic Process |
3 | 154.445199 | 143.125559 | 134.376313 | 0.000000 | 131.398811 | 150.699813 | 164.020334 | 161.338567 | 142.324225 | 152.467793 | 129.686223 | 162.602245 | 181.032459 | 206.935751 | 3 | Development & Reproduction |
4 | 139.531540 | 77.157201 | 89.768823 | 131.398811 | 0.000000 | 143.979940 | 120.886121 | 79.866331 | 160.604428 | 123.758153 | 118.502382 | 167.547313 | 167.604706 | 193.690030 | 4 | Protein Synthesis |
Gene expression Plots & Cluster 14 & 19 DE Gene Comparisons/Violin Plots¶
Look at expression profiles of perturbed genes from different cell types
#Kallisto bus h5ad file with no gene filtering
bus_fs_raw = anndata.read("D1.1797")
print(bus_fs_raw )
#Read in PREVIOUSLY SAVED clustered + labeled data (cells x gene)
bus_fs_clus = anndata.read("D1.1796")
bus_fs_clus.obs['Fed'] = pd.Categorical(bus_fs_clus.obs['fed'])
#sc.pl.umap(bus_fs_clus, color='Fed')
bus_fs_raw.obs['cellRanger_louvain'] = pd.Categorical(bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain'])
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 13673 × 46716 obs: 'batch' AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 13673 × 8696 obs: 'batch', 'n_counts', 'n_countslog', 'louvain', 'leiden', 'orgID', 'fed', 'starved', 'fed_neighbor_score', 'cellRanger_louvain', 'annos', 'new_cellRanger_louvain', 'annosSub' var: 'n_counts', 'mean', 'std' uns: 'annosSub_colors', 'annos_colors', 'cellRanger_louvain_colors', 'cellRanger_louvain_sizes', "dendrogram_['new_cellRanger_louvain']", 'dendrogram_new_cellRanger_louvain', 'fed_colors', 'fed_neighbor_score_colors', 'leiden', 'leiden_colors', 'louvain', 'louvain_colors', 'neighbors', 'new_cellRanger_louvain_colors', 'orgID_colors', 'paga', 'pca', 'rank_genes_groups', 'umap' obsm: 'X_nca', 'X_pca', 'X_tsne', 'X_umap' varm: 'PCs' obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances'
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 13673 × 46716 obs: 'batch', 'cellRanger_louvain'
deGenesDF_sig = deGenesDF[deGenesDF.padjClus < 0.05]
clusGenes = list(deGenesDF_sig.Genes[deGenesDF_sig.Cluster == 3])
#Expression profiles for perturbed genes in each cell type (all high expression or not)
cellTypes = np.unique(deGenesDF_sig.Cluster)
colors = bus_fs_clus.uns['annosSub_colors']
cmap = [i for i in colors]
vals = []
types = []
num = []
cmap_l = []
exprPlots = pd.DataFrame()
for t in cellTypes:
clusGenes = list(deGenesDF_sig.Genes[deGenesDF_sig.Cluster == t])
sub = bus_fs_raw[:,clusGenes]
sub = sub[sub.obs['cellRanger_louvain'].isin([t])]
toAdd = sub.X.todense().mean(0)
#Calculate average expression for each gene across cells in type t
means = toAdd.flatten().tolist()[0]
vals += means
types += list(np.repeat(t,len(means)))
num += list(np.repeat(len(means),len(means)))
cmap_l += [cmap[t]]
exprPlots['cellType'] = types
exprPlots['expr'] = np.log1p(vals)
exprPlots['numGenes'] = num
cellType | expr | numGenes | |
0 | 0 | 2.297710 | 99 |
1 | 0 | 1.577077 | 99 |
2 | 0 | 2.441016 | 99 |
3 | 0 | 1.346493 | 99 |
4 | 0 | 1.190470 | 99 |
palette = sns.color_palette(cmap_l)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
ax = sns.boxplot(x="numGenes", y="expr", hue='cellType',palette=palette, data=exprPlots,order=np.arange(190),dodge=False)
for i,artist in enumerate(ax.artists):
# Set the linecolor on the artist to the facecolor, and set the facecolor to None
col = artist.get_facecolor()
# Each box has 6 associated Line2D objects (to make the whiskers, fliers, etc.)
# Loop over them here, and use the same colour as above
for j in range(i*6,i*6+6):
line = ax.lines[j]
if j == (i*6+4):
ax.set_xlabel('Number of Perturbed Genes')
for edge_i in ['bottom','left']:
for edge_i in ['top', 'right']:
ax.legend(loc='center left',bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5),prop={'size': 10},frameon=False,ncol=2,title="Cell Type")
for i in range(190):
if i % 25 != 0:
ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks()[i].draw = lambda *args:None
clus14 = bus_fs_clus[bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain'].isin([14])]
clus14.obs['Condition2'] = pd.Categorical(clus14.obs['fed'])
clus19 = bus_fs_clus[bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain'].isin([19])]
clus19.obs['Condition2'] = pd.Categorical(clus19.obs['fed'])
*c* argument looks like a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence, which should be avoided as value-mapping will have precedence in case its length matches with *x* & *y*. Please use the *color* keyword-argument or provide a 2-D array with a single row if you intend to specify the same RGB or RGBA value for all points. *c* argument looks like a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence, which should be avoided as value-mapping will have precedence in case its length matches with *x* & *y*. Please use the *color* keyword-argument or provide a 2-D array with a single row if you intend to specify the same RGB or RGBA value for all points.
Trying to set attribute `.obs` of view, copying. Trying to set attribute `.obs` of view, copying.
newOfInterest = ['XLOC_043836','XLOC_043846','XLOC_007437','XLOC_009798','XLOC_008632','XLOC_033541','XLOC_004011']
axes = sc.pl.violin(clus14, newOfInterest, groupby='Condition2',ylabel=['Oxidoreductase','Dioxygenase',
for ax in axes:
ax.set_ylim(0, 5)
axes = sc.pl.violin(clus19, newOfInterest, groupby='Condition2',ylabel=['Oxidoreductase','Dioxygenase',
for ax in axes:
ax.set_ylim(0, 5)
newOfInterest = ['XLOC_035232','XLOC_007437']
axes = sc.pl.violin(clus14, newOfInterest, groupby='Condition2',ylabel=['TGFB-like',
for ax in axes:
ax.set_ylim(0, 7)
axes = sc.pl.violin(clus19, newOfInterest, groupby='Condition2',ylabel=['TGFB-like',
for ax in axes:
ax.set_ylim(0, 7)
#Cluster 35, early oocytes Violin Plots
bus_fs_clus.obs['fed'] = pd.Categorical(bus_fs_clus.obs['fed'])
clus35 = bus_fs_clus[bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain'].isin([35])]
newOfInterest = ['XLOC_012655','XLOC_004306','XLOC_037567','XLOC_006902','XLOC_016286','XLOC_037771',
clus35.obs['Condition2'] = pd.Categorical(clus35.obs['fed'])
#sc.pl.umap(clus35, color='Condition')
sc.pl.violin(clus35, newOfInterest, groupby='Condition2',ylabel=['DNAJ','MCM8','TF AP4','CAF-1','SPO11','MOV10L1',
newOfInterest = ['XLOC_016286','XLOC_012527']
#sc.pl.umap(clus35, color='Condition')
axes = sc.pl.violin(clus35, newOfInterest, groupby='Condition2',ylabel=['MEIOTIC RECOMBINATION PROTEIN','FAF1'],show=False)
for ax in axes:
ax.set_ylim(0, 5)
Trying to set attribute `.obs` of view, copying.
Overlap with Original CellRanger Clusters¶
Use Jaccard Index to quantify overlap of markers for the 36 cell types between the Kallisto-processed and initial, Cell Ranger processed data
bus_fs_clus = anndata.read("D1.1796")
cellRanger_fs = anndata.read("D1.1798")
bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain'] = pd.Categorical(bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain'])
#Show pairwise overlap in top 100 names between all clusters, 36x36 grid
clus = np.unique(bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain'])
cellR = [[]]*len(clus) #np array of top 100 genes for each of 36 clusters
busFS = [[]]*len(clus)#np array of top 100 genes for each of 36 clusters
for c in clus:
cellR[c] = list(cellRanger_fs.uns['rank_genes_groups']['names'][str(c)])
busFS[c] = list(bus_fs_clus.uns['rank_genes_groups']['names'][str(c)])
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
#Changed to calculate Jaccard Index
def intersect(i,j):
return len(set(cellR[i]).intersection(busFS[j]))/len(set(cellR[i]).union(busFS[j]))
def pairwise(clus):
# Initialise precomputed matrix (num of clusters, 36x36)
precomputed = np.zeros((len(clus),len(clus)), dtype='float')
# Initialise iterator over objects in X
iterator = combinations_with_replacement(range(0,len(clus)), 2)
# Perform the operation on each pair
for i,j in iterator:
precomputed[i,j] = intersect(i,j)
# Make symmetric and return
return precomputed + precomputed.T - np.diag(np.diag(precomputed))
pairCorrs = pairwise(clus)
plt.imshow(pairCorrs, cmap='viridis')
plt.xlabel('kallisto Clusters')
plt.ylabel('Cell Ranger Clusters')
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 36, 1),fontsize=6)
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 36, 1),fontsize=6)
Cell Type Data for SplitsTree¶
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
#Centroids of cell atlas/defined clusters
def getClusCentroids(overlap_combo,pcs=60,clusType='knn_clus'):
clusters = np.unique(overlap_combo.obs[clusType])
centroids = np.zeros((len(clusters),pcs))
for c in clusters:
sub_data = overlap_combo[overlap_combo.obs[clusType] == c]
pca_embed = sub_data.obsm['X_pca'][:,0:pcs]
centroid = pca_embed.mean(axis=0)
centroids[int(c),:] = list(centroid)
return centroids
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 13673 × 8696 obs: 'batch', 'n_counts', 'n_countslog', 'louvain', 'leiden', 'orgID', 'fed', 'starved', 'fed_neighbor_score', 'cellRanger_louvain', 'annos', 'new_cellRanger_louvain', 'annosSub' var: 'n_counts', 'mean', 'std' uns: 'annosSub_colors', 'annos_colors', 'cellRanger_louvain_colors', 'cellRanger_louvain_sizes', "dendrogram_['new_cellRanger_louvain']", 'dendrogram_new_cellRanger_louvain', 'fed_colors', 'fed_neighbor_score_colors', 'leiden', 'leiden_colors', 'louvain', 'louvain_colors', 'neighbors', 'new_cellRanger_louvain_colors', 'orgID_colors', 'paga', 'pca', 'rank_genes_groups', 'umap' obsm: 'X_nca', 'X_pca', 'X_tsne', 'X_umap' varm: 'PCs' obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances'
#Compare to pairwise distances between cell atlas clusters
fed_only = bus_fs_clus[bus_fs_clus.obs['fed'] == 'True']
centroids = getClusCentroids(fed_only,60,'cellRanger_louvain')
#centroids_arr = centroids['centroid'].to_numpy()
pairCentroid_dists = pairwise_distances(centroids, metric = 'l1')
(36, 36)
clus = np.unique(fed_only.obs['cellRanger_louvain'])
df = pd.DataFrame(pairCentroid_dists)
df['cluster'] = range(0,len(clus))
clusters = [int(i) for i in fed_only.obs['cellRanger_louvain']]
annos = fed_only.obs['annosSub']
annosDict = {}
for i in range(0,len(clusters)):
annosDict[clusters[i]] = annos[i]
names = [annosDict[i] for i in df['cluster']]
df['annos'] = names
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | cluster | annos | |
0 | 0.000000 | 73.464909 | 65.525303 | 75.936037 | 74.636204 | 85.283588 | 73.824954 | 82.401569 | 75.196994 | 89.087199 | 99.485741 | 106.611646 | 54.108183 | 120.785654 | 108.300500 | 99.363475 | 95.612621 | 129.268401 | 110.133130 | 142.236416 | 77.468914 | 135.696652 | 128.288597 | 135.917111 | 138.019980 | 128.605249 | 129.160607 | 189.208824 | 96.878118 | 138.443425 | 110.750130 | 182.934958 | 237.364691 | 132.279790 | 226.214219 | 217.054862 | 0 | Stem Cells |
1 | 73.464909 | 0.000000 | 73.655777 | 70.877597 | 77.173203 | 89.054201 | 79.136972 | 76.645835 | 80.323026 | 87.011464 | 105.366511 | 117.057891 | 80.386629 | 119.954732 | 105.483109 | 96.652534 | 104.324513 | 139.127698 | 102.092035 | 121.881019 | 84.260834 | 138.856221 | 118.074936 | 131.726808 | 123.111721 | 131.677083 | 124.471839 | 171.451975 | 111.999539 | 148.526727 | 113.647093 | 178.768390 | 218.127628 | 135.157440 | 239.898399 | 266.314562 | 1 | Exumbrella Epidermis |
2 | 65.525303 | 73.655777 | 0.000000 | 64.303731 | 68.100740 | 81.223223 | 80.838113 | 77.755090 | 78.419210 | 84.807741 | 98.161895 | 103.657681 | 72.123625 | 96.296266 | 112.966357 | 86.755541 | 99.595890 | 125.994965 | 109.128990 | 145.543685 | 49.520744 | 140.668973 | 110.204552 | 134.502650 | 128.123380 | 119.130684 | 117.597645 | 187.189022 | 94.002531 | 142.049688 | 111.176973 | 174.081892 | 228.301164 | 109.351743 | 233.731906 | 245.953266 | 2 | Large Oocytes |
3 | 75.936037 | 70.877597 | 64.303731 | 0.000000 | 72.357871 | 87.616355 | 86.604400 | 60.036329 | 91.686399 | 93.482419 | 105.186968 | 110.185755 | 77.286173 | 122.598505 | 103.684279 | 79.500823 | 93.338071 | 128.078706 | 109.438380 | 131.196984 | 70.998642 | 143.392353 | 121.166188 | 126.212171 | 112.271870 | 130.067005 | 132.364972 | 186.111448 | 96.825716 | 135.182865 | 114.170083 | 186.398904 | 215.861273 | 123.974192 | 231.286331 | 255.491559 | 3 | Digestive Subtype 1 |
4 | 74.636204 | 77.173203 | 68.100740 | 72.357871 | 0.000000 | 88.802717 | 85.075363 | 80.497037 | 85.861816 | 94.622659 | 105.989449 | 114.388857 | 79.916953 | 124.872919 | 122.905036 | 97.065098 | 101.276803 | 139.583311 | 104.866280 | 145.690134 | 68.573588 | 147.198918 | 125.230667 | 141.370164 | 131.855025 | 131.689243 | 127.044982 | 185.315343 | 103.332901 | 118.784507 | 98.033347 | 178.431799 | 234.030079 | 129.508063 | 237.051490 | 250.430968 | 4 | Manubrium Epidermis |
Data for SplitsTree analysis of all cells within cell types of interest
def convertCond(fed):
if fed == 'True':
return 'Control'
return 'Starved'
#Save csv for cell type 14 (dig. gastroderm type)
sub = bus_fs_clus[bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain'] == 14]
pca_embed = sub.obsm['X_pca'][:,0:pcs]
cellDists = pairwise_distances(pca_embed, metric = 'l1')
df = pd.DataFrame(cellDists)
conds = [convertCond(i) for i in sub.obs['fed']]
for i in range(0,len(conds)):
conds[i] = conds[i]+'_'+str(i)
df['annos'] = conds
df['cluster'] = np.repeat(14,len(conds))
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | ... | 283 | 284 | 285 | 286 | 287 | 288 | 289 | 290 | 291 | 292 | 293 | 294 | 295 | 296 | 297 | 298 | 299 | 300 | 301 | 302 | 303 | 304 | 305 | 306 | 307 | 308 | 309 | 310 | 311 | 312 | 313 | 314 | 315 | 316 | 317 | 318 | 319 | 320 | annos | cluster | |
0 | 0.000000 | 94.143427 | 48.626253 | 101.574068 | 109.223591 | 186.350220 | 190.945339 | 194.066881 | 156.403821 | 218.048962 | 168.793326 | 137.715137 | 179.836035 | 149.927222 | 195.354427 | 233.945757 | 166.067516 | 136.096284 | 216.107262 | 199.529440 | 193.207474 | 182.298597 | 178.294928 | 213.548189 | 172.876985 | 184.106836 | 181.708748 | 212.022591 | 195.449468 | 163.745207 | 163.936970 | 212.432469 | 191.489405 | 229.737238 | 203.838168 | 192.304306 | 189.078393 | 182.772713 | 230.196760 | 200.160259 | ... | 229.297610 | 302.022273 | 103.226011 | 246.180590 | 79.685577 | 228.837330 | 179.028481 | 175.254564 | 204.683130 | 132.183881 | 190.640601 | 188.083746 | 174.172712 | 127.577098 | 91.216964 | 186.637843 | 220.118893 | 174.819850 | 106.416963 | 90.373066 | 98.419187 | 109.399699 | 181.359886 | 196.729804 | 157.085444 | 133.338628 | 161.478459 | 209.860675 | 186.578729 | 210.796355 | 210.508243 | 210.962729 | 153.360147 | 169.810844 | 214.112565 | 124.262565 | 163.718460 | 196.192738 | Control_0 | 14 |
1 | 94.143427 | 0.000000 | 86.390540 | 58.534484 | 73.824113 | 153.057557 | 144.543805 | 144.581489 | 177.692855 | 163.166209 | 156.282159 | 101.568765 | 133.849859 | 105.531266 | 158.145493 | 182.800918 | 137.467117 | 150.280211 | 168.261541 | 193.167339 | 137.709932 | 173.786182 | 131.830320 | 164.291988 | 106.345033 | 152.030092 | 135.129226 | 157.747258 | 147.633373 | 122.283538 | 115.482289 | 169.319059 | 150.128244 | 186.767662 | 151.456408 | 152.404536 | 154.228067 | 158.826242 | 181.862659 | 158.542549 | ... | 191.266843 | 271.680207 | 84.215284 | 199.883731 | 41.845021 | 175.484402 | 126.961714 | 127.455923 | 168.441797 | 123.490639 | 137.286613 | 138.587477 | 126.644105 | 91.531271 | 36.178894 | 129.433266 | 234.363872 | 136.274003 | 84.452477 | 95.836442 | 56.339853 | 64.970466 | 158.308563 | 182.310413 | 154.223460 | 103.979841 | 107.624468 | 153.881173 | 145.742968 | 195.334608 | 169.259788 | 149.438632 | 159.529412 | 131.624746 | 163.498180 | 102.808167 | 118.140950 | 162.508761 | Control_1 | 14 |
2 | 48.626253 | 86.390540 | 0.000000 | 97.736700 | 98.147891 | 164.746364 | 184.626710 | 178.048935 | 149.629548 | 213.443877 | 147.289196 | 123.705298 | 168.429515 | 143.842020 | 179.956767 | 213.739130 | 143.481182 | 135.920917 | 206.268016 | 174.021207 | 182.332838 | 155.756659 | 164.451219 | 214.787755 | 162.804292 | 164.391505 | 169.553513 | 199.173782 | 185.730899 | 152.403594 | 156.011609 | 193.935450 | 167.398094 | 222.720465 | 201.603039 | 175.217648 | 180.261124 | 152.206669 | 228.494801 | 190.030389 | ... | 220.140234 | 294.730742 | 85.742543 | 240.889364 | 71.882806 | 222.800527 | 166.456497 | 175.917007 | 181.432335 | 113.941515 | 187.045217 | 176.779761 | 168.326184 | 132.838011 | 80.586767 | 177.987493 | 212.425775 | 164.874481 | 88.778732 | 71.622405 | 83.718424 | 98.078372 | 157.648039 | 186.338032 | 144.322076 | 119.795497 | 149.711772 | 206.515952 | 187.489883 | 219.176888 | 207.909479 | 205.898141 | 131.169522 | 157.164535 | 194.733981 | 111.197437 | 150.988701 | 169.121609 | Control_2 | 14 |
3 | 101.574068 | 58.534484 | 97.736700 | 0.000000 | 75.298443 | 161.961798 | 143.317353 | 149.625743 | 173.866739 | 142.182168 | 157.130683 | 94.061077 | 128.427204 | 103.337065 | 155.178435 | 177.437357 | 141.917049 | 167.117992 | 154.682007 | 205.637233 | 136.567256 | 176.289161 | 124.402694 | 136.016197 | 93.230688 | 157.686644 | 136.545843 | 139.872165 | 123.517754 | 129.625700 | 111.319758 | 165.674834 | 154.912371 | 177.827547 | 127.548855 | 155.486745 | 145.820134 | 170.591673 | 159.679090 | 152.910245 | ... | 166.074201 | 277.655783 | 73.963112 | 181.608547 | 69.183016 | 153.739582 | 124.156899 | 106.971703 | 171.007710 | 125.184050 | 128.177026 | 124.388380 | 107.059112 | 87.626529 | 58.429277 | 130.799655 | 245.649857 | 121.897359 | 75.102888 | 91.946107 | 68.707121 | 75.724273 | 171.676829 | 182.136511 | 164.883143 | 99.161451 | 116.528071 | 128.388914 | 129.884990 | 203.863351 | 159.806983 | 140.013943 | 167.867174 | 137.436931 | 160.685175 | 90.797872 | 94.354009 | 176.591642 | Control_3 | 14 |
4 | 109.223591 | 73.824113 | 98.147891 | 75.298443 | 0.000000 | 132.009158 | 134.578927 | 135.770046 | 143.583777 | 155.297091 | 127.364356 | 77.128204 | 115.733704 | 106.414797 | 133.832323 | 157.963138 | 103.322510 | 149.783598 | 163.513924 | 173.290917 | 130.087097 | 151.744598 | 126.224322 | 160.863930 | 100.225399 | 132.604051 | 119.144223 | 152.362733 | 149.329880 | 117.102320 | 116.754743 | 147.826127 | 124.619254 | 186.254123 | 147.426402 | 140.962448 | 132.043963 | 133.042190 | 182.821648 | 140.550387 | ... | 175.898428 | 260.451376 | 49.450630 | 171.985034 | 75.543180 | 162.706951 | 113.656639 | 132.241623 | 145.007483 | 105.843326 | 145.833708 | 118.861925 | 119.538196 | 125.271453 | 67.955246 | 129.556370 | 218.066169 | 128.970532 | 62.333552 | 64.080649 | 52.578907 | 85.173873 | 137.664802 | 164.840957 | 128.423699 | 76.853709 | 126.766379 | 149.744109 | 163.905734 | 195.949054 | 150.687379 | 135.842524 | 128.599873 | 134.604387 | 143.898806 | 78.894951 | 112.537008 | 146.474484 | Control_4 | 14 |
5 rows × 323 columns
#Save csv for cell type 8
sub = bus_fs_clus[bus_fs_clus.obs['cellRanger_louvain'] == 8]
pca_embed = sub.obsm['X_pca'][:,0:pcs]
cellDists = pairwise_distances(pca_embed, metric = 'l1')
df = pd.DataFrame(cellDists)
conds = [convertCond(i) for i in sub.obs['fed']]
for i in range(0,len(conds)):
conds[i] = conds[i]+'_'+str(i)
df['annos'] = conds
df['cluster'] = np.repeat(8,len(conds))
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | ... | 551 | 552 | 553 | 554 | 555 | 556 | 557 | 558 | 559 | 560 | 561 | 562 | 563 | 564 | 565 | 566 | 567 | 568 | 569 | 570 | 571 | 572 | 573 | 574 | 575 | 576 | 577 | 578 | 579 | 580 | 581 | 582 | 583 | 584 | 585 | 586 | 587 | 588 | annos | cluster | |
0 | 0.000000 | 60.144983 | 76.372043 | 66.494132 | 56.432907 | 106.750517 | 63.259248 | 64.543560 | 103.313487 | 88.505627 | 62.510605 | 62.839743 | 54.117143 | 60.876416 | 69.241539 | 49.890980 | 63.115900 | 75.901447 | 65.833620 | 46.972126 | 59.117521 | 50.828162 | 64.611214 | 83.392522 | 54.228186 | 60.750958 | 61.832451 | 65.970672 | 56.634726 | 62.320127 | 60.930371 | 94.799349 | 54.312209 | 80.935857 | 56.469866 | 78.045338 | 97.414141 | 47.106535 | 52.340316 | 47.393314 | ... | 56.317990 | 78.665763 | 102.519642 | 54.470162 | 74.206045 | 71.110467 | 57.144690 | 60.212767 | 94.438412 | 64.947516 | 58.463693 | 96.371474 | 70.982465 | 68.470088 | 55.454763 | 90.557976 | 69.057868 | 57.370530 | 110.705628 | 62.855537 | 55.911682 | 78.440062 | 65.798097 | 64.860006 | 82.284685 | 78.548047 | 60.363950 | 47.283687 | 118.235103 | 61.281831 | 62.095791 | 70.993424 | 63.176492 | 82.638864 | 65.643171 | 49.659580 | 72.415766 | 100.235864 | Control_0 | 8 |
1 | 60.144983 | 0.000000 | 86.442079 | 83.235973 | 51.924538 | 118.189361 | 69.300209 | 69.237901 | 111.011623 | 96.840631 | 66.761150 | 62.787025 | 64.509542 | 70.040120 | 82.535353 | 57.042035 | 62.217727 | 50.519683 | 50.821090 | 44.514138 | 56.116313 | 44.747514 | 55.996851 | 65.429151 | 58.836193 | 53.755685 | 63.995224 | 73.764828 | 80.625462 | 60.245426 | 70.809966 | 77.816029 | 57.881604 | 93.299843 | 47.710753 | 91.230807 | 118.168571 | 54.537929 | 54.853684 | 44.323889 | ... | 52.669083 | 87.858019 | 116.350319 | 68.076112 | 84.519127 | 92.341931 | 58.762293 | 77.746750 | 103.652715 | 52.284794 | 71.777005 | 96.288046 | 79.784954 | 84.964503 | 50.106554 | 58.830359 | 46.453382 | 51.187307 | 119.734781 | 60.088097 | 55.391921 | 93.297142 | 56.703107 | 57.903604 | 92.084961 | 57.693223 | 76.727119 | 57.380273 | 123.147671 | 45.369704 | 58.613022 | 58.896148 | 77.726322 | 85.332088 | 79.407758 | 53.452267 | 63.079363 | 112.651485 | Control_1 | 8 |
2 | 76.372043 | 86.442079 | 0.000000 | 92.197382 | 63.272943 | 105.308902 | 72.240901 | 63.892020 | 70.177240 | 56.916090 | 61.509721 | 60.661871 | 58.840806 | 50.095664 | 52.716062 | 60.069598 | 87.517705 | 86.563938 | 73.395764 | 74.351870 | 69.882013 | 76.141038 | 84.990894 | 105.735411 | 68.030166 | 70.006578 | 48.973458 | 48.041114 | 82.686475 | 90.131740 | 54.633708 | 118.670893 | 56.979855 | 62.765306 | 77.565609 | 46.419926 | 70.692113 | 77.078970 | 61.443398 | 75.723481 | ... | 90.866300 | 64.740272 | 104.697828 | 50.934523 | 58.325615 | 56.903474 | 76.533149 | 59.223939 | 106.632709 | 87.948440 | 53.746843 | 141.567596 | 51.720590 | 56.263659 | 78.111106 | 105.336517 | 96.708537 | 66.323087 | 80.872255 | 102.348394 | 71.995598 | 51.604319 | 79.604278 | 87.046409 | 102.458091 | 84.284729 | 51.868968 | 60.383201 | 109.956103 | 66.412003 | 88.741395 | 98.565783 | 60.074302 | 75.270098 | 53.960435 | 68.212597 | 83.672812 | 83.044235 | Starved_2 | 8 |
3 | 66.494132 | 83.235973 | 92.197382 | 0.000000 | 76.283285 | 100.474915 | 59.714631 | 75.692691 | 105.347625 | 96.883744 | 84.592759 | 77.868867 | 71.077264 | 71.623509 | 85.937109 | 68.892743 | 73.558295 | 102.805204 | 91.201422 | 76.869735 | 84.751180 | 70.014629 | 85.987749 | 104.618756 | 75.588171 | 80.724889 | 82.444481 | 84.341322 | 55.293334 | 76.457045 | 64.812197 | 103.164522 | 66.077887 | 81.304880 | 80.937751 | 86.652107 | 104.123518 | 70.264511 | 65.563247 | 74.535903 | ... | 71.922489 | 86.318574 | 106.602828 | 77.004801 | 86.556066 | 83.766100 | 66.018927 | 77.703502 | 95.756355 | 84.888723 | 78.641428 | 88.892761 | 91.098623 | 86.168107 | 80.344344 | 109.601149 | 87.865686 | 79.999816 | 106.091861 | 73.944167 | 74.653632 | 94.131515 | 92.263945 | 75.156970 | 68.755884 | 93.553924 | 80.329967 | 69.485267 | 105.038163 | 76.858074 | 79.582475 | 92.043199 | 72.041728 | 92.608716 | 80.959029 | 88.158541 | 74.342947 | 106.086149 | Starved_3 | 8 |
4 | 56.432907 | 51.924538 | 63.272943 | 76.283285 | 0.000000 | 113.375482 | 70.604369 | 65.810346 | 99.366576 | 83.913583 | 61.056639 | 59.528658 | 55.141460 | 59.658959 | 64.488933 | 48.897210 | 59.044761 | 62.925647 | 55.318539 | 51.081762 | 57.109698 | 44.735403 | 57.856466 | 82.044829 | 60.552988 | 58.173658 | 60.841931 | 64.581594 | 75.487261 | 62.866149 | 57.990504 | 89.923440 | 46.204944 | 86.102504 | 52.315008 | 66.294960 | 96.090289 | 50.348422 | 52.381180 | 40.238280 | ... | 63.998809 | 81.335290 | 109.842015 | 49.136437 | 78.641090 | 70.909253 | 63.480354 | 62.613485 | 113.272593 | 63.541737 | 60.484872 | 107.174455 | 65.626185 | 74.159397 | 59.472820 | 83.899269 | 58.955134 | 46.782148 | 106.250577 | 66.641848 | 52.169798 | 76.424168 | 48.945158 | 56.051539 | 96.444591 | 66.309185 | 68.701733 | 45.760853 | 125.932776 | 47.310946 | 64.777106 | 71.938300 | 62.361760 | 88.076779 | 71.189860 | 54.868896 | 66.827119 | 106.934622 | Control_4 | 8 |
5 rows × 591 columns
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])